Engine Builds, Fitting, Service & Repair
Machine work & Spares
Tel: 07456 600 550
Monday - Thursday - 9am - 5pm
Friday - 9am - 12pm
Privacy Policy review
In light of current law changes on the 25th May 2018, Aircooled Hut is listing cookies used when visiting the site and what data we store and its uses.
Cookies are stored to help you use the site and create a shopping basket. Listed below.
Data is stored when a purchase is made and or an account is created. This is no more than Name, Address, Telephone and email data. sometimes data on vehicle purchased for will be captured. No data is ever shared and we will only use for any purchases made or for email promotions.
Credit Card data. We use Paypal for all payments to never store any credit or debit card data.
Registered users:
Should you wish for us to remove your account please contact us and we will do so. We have also sent an email to all registered users to notify of this.
New users:
All new users now have to accept the use of cookies and personal data if registering for an account.
Cookies store to your PC:
18 cookies was identified.
12 cookies are unclassified and needs manual classification and a purpose description.
Necessary (1) Necessary cookies help make a website usable by enabling basic functions like page navigation and access to secure areas of the website.
The website cannot function properly without these cookies.
COOKIE NAME PROVIDER TYPE EXPIRY PHPSESSID eurocookie.galilcloud.wixapps.net HTTP Session First found URL: h ttps://w w w .aircooledh u t.co.u k/produ ct-page/20w 50-min eral-en gin e-oil-4-5-litre
Cookie purpose description: Preserves u ser session state across page requ ests. Initiator: Script tag, page sou rce lin e n umber 139 S Source: h ttps://static.parastorage.com/services/th ird-party/requ irejs/2.1.15/requ ire.min .js Data is sent to: Un ited States (adequ ate) Prior consent enabled: No _gid aircooledhut.co.uk HTTP Session First found URL: h ttps://w w w .aircooledh u t.co.u k/produ ct-page/20w 50-min eral-en gin e-oil-4-5-litre Cookie purpose description: Registers a u n iqu e ID th at is u sed to gen erate statistical data on h ow th e visitor u ses th e w ebsite. Initiator: Script tag, page sou rce lin e n umber 139 Source: h ttps://static.parastorage.com/services/th ird-party/requ irejs/2.1.15/requ ire.min .js Data is sent to: Un ited States (adequ ate) Prior consent enabled: No Category: Marketing (1) Marketing cookies are used to track visitors across websites. The intention is to display ads that are relevant and engaging for the individual user and thereby more valuable for publishers and third party advertisers. COOKIE NAME PROVIDER TYPE EXPIRY collect google-analytics.com Pixel Session First found URL: h ttps://w w w .aircooledh u t.co.u k/produ ct-page/20w 50-min eral-en gin e-oil-4-5-litre Cookie purpose description: Used to sen d data to Google An alytics abou t th e visitor's device an d beh aviou r. Tracks th e visitor across d evices an d marketin g ch an n els. Initiator: Script tag, page sou rce lin e n umber 139 Source: h ttps://w w w .google-an alytics.com/r/collect?v=1&_v=j67&a=1567179883&t=pageview &_s=1&dl=h ttps%3A%2F%2Fw w w .airco oledh u t.co.u k%2Fprodu ct-page%2F20w 50-min eral-en gin e-oil-4-5-litre&dp=%2Fprodu ct-page%2F20w 50-min eral-en gin e-oil-4-5-litre& u l=en -u s&de=UTF-8&dt=Aircooled%20Hu t%20UK%20%7C%20VW%20En gin es%20%26%20Kits%20%7C%20Stock%20%26%20Performan ce%20Parts%20%7C%20Produ ct%20Page&sd=24-bit&sr=1024x768&vp=997x739&je=0&_u=KEBAAEAB E~&jid=1457735670&gjid=12799 39940&cid=1521366009.1526905361&tid=UA-102087884-1&_gid=30209976.1526905361&_r=1&z=170649058 via h ttps://static.parastorage.com/services/th ird-party/requ irejs/2.1.15/requ ire.min .js Data is sent to: Un ited States (adequ ate) Category: Unclassified (12) Unclassified cookies are cookies that we are in the process of classifying, together with the providers of individual cookies. COOKIE NAME PROVIDER TYPE EXPIRY _wix_browser_sess wix.com HTTP Session First found URL: h ttps://w w w .aircooledh u t.co.u k/produ ct-page/20w 50-min eral-en gin e-oil-4-5-litre Cookie purpose description: Un classified Initiator: Script tag, page sou rce lin e n umber 139 Source: h ttps://static.parastorage.com/services/th ird-party/requ irejs/2.1.15/requ ire.min .js Data is sent to: Un ited States (adequ ate) Prior consent enabled: No _wixUIDX wix.com HTTP 3 months First found URL: h ttps://w w w .aircooledh u t.co.u k/produ ct-page/20w 50-min eral-en gin e-oil-4-5-litre Cookie purpose description: Un classified Initiator: Script tag, page sou rce lin e n umber 139 Source: h ttps://static.parastorage.com/services/th ird-party/requ irejs/2.1.15/requ ire.min .js Data is sent to: Un ited States (adequ ate) Prior consent enabled: No bt frog.wix.com Pixel Session First found URL: h ttps://w w w .aircooledh u t.co.u k/produ ct-page/20w 50-min eral-en gin e-oil-4-5-litre Cookie purpose description: Un classified Initiator: Script tag, page sou rce lin e n umber 76 Source: h ttps://frog.w ix.com/bt?src=29&evid=3&pn=1&et=1&v=1.3510.31&msid=c19c184b-9967-491f-b5bc-a3c073a610ca&vsi=2f6c9b 94-a740-4409-8868-ceaf9c20d4a3&u rl=aircooledh u t.co.u k%2Fprodu ct-page%2F20w 50-min eral-en gin e-oil-4-5-litre&isp=1&st=2&ts=0 &iss=1&c=1526905348602&vid=df31a849-d0ed-4d8f-8d77-861626c57c93 Data is sent to: Un ited States (adequ ate) ec frog.wix.com Pixel Session First found URL: h ttps://w w w .aircooledh u t.co.u k/produ ct-page/20w 50-min eral-en gin e-oil-4-5-litre Cookie purpose description: Un classified Initiator: Script tag, page sou rce lin e n umber 139 Source: h ttps://frog.w ix.com/ec?_=15269053666970&ms=1760&storeId=3244364e-bcc8-4001-904c-3be2ca576335&isMerch an t=false&a ppName=cartAppCommon&bi_token=f3d82e05-25af-091e-25f0-9822b9f173ff&visitor_id=df31a849-d0ed-4d8f-8d77-861626c57c93&ow n erId=u n defin ed&roles=&evid=211&mixPan elEven tTitle=Cart%20w idget%20loaded%20SF Cookie scan report - 2/4 via h ttps://static.parastorage.com/services/th ird-party/requ irejs/2.1.15/requ ire.min .js Data is sent to: Un ited States (adequ ate) fed frog.wix.com Pixel Session First found URL: h ttps://w w w .aircooledh u t.co.u k/produ ct-page/20w 50-min eral-en gin e-oil-4-5-litre Cookie purpose description: Un classified Initiator: Script tag, page sou rce lin e n umber 139 Source: h ttps://frog.w ix.com/fed?appName=w ix-ecommerce-produ ct-page&src=72&evid=14&session _id=51e4478e-6b43-4043-b1c7-68 a10fb8ea95 via h ttps://static.parastorage.com/services/th ird-party/requ irejs/2.1.15/requ ire.min .js Data is sent to: Un ited States (adequ ate) hs aircooledhut.co.uk HTTP Session First found URL: h ttps://w w w .aircooledh u t.co.u k/produ ct-page/20w 50-min eral-en gin e-oil-4-5-litre Cookie purpose description: Un classified Initiator: Webserver Source: aircooledh u t.co.u k Data is sent to: Un ited States (adequ ate) Prior consent enabled: No svSession aircooledhut.co.uk HTTP 2 years First found URL: h ttps://w w w .aircooledh u t.co.u k/produ ct-page/20w 50-min eral-en gin e-oil-4-5-litre Cookie purpose description: Un classified Initiator: Webserver Source: aircooledh u t.co.u k Data is sent to: Un ited States (adequ ate) Prior consent enabled: No testcookie loadbalancer.visitor-analytics.io HTTP 2 years First found URL: h ttps://w w w .aircooledh u t.co.u k/produ ct-page/20w 50-min eral-en gin e-oil-4-5-litre Cookie purpose description: Un classified Initiator: Script tag, page sou rce lin e n umber 139 Source: h ttps://static.parastorage.com/services/th ird-party/requ irejs/2.1.15/requ ire.min .js Data is sent to: German y (adequ ate) Prior consent enabled: No userType wix.com HTTP 3 months First found URL: h ttps://w w w .aircooledh u t.co.u k/produ ct-page/20w 50-min eral-en gin e-oil-4-5-litre Cookie purpose description: Un classified Initiator: Script tag, page sou rce lin e n umber 139 Source: h ttps://static.parastorage.com/services/th ird-party/requ irejs/2.1.15/requ ire.min .js Data is sent to: Un ited States (adequ ate) Prior consent enabled: No wix_visitor_analytics_31b268c02165381f12d39a8f4b169e45 loadbalancer.visitor-analytics.io HTTP 2 years First found URL: h ttps://w w w .aircooledh u t.co.u k/produ ct-page/20w 50-min eral-en gin e-oil-4-5-litre Cookie purpose description: Un classified Initiator: Script tag, page sou rce lin e n umber 139 Source: h ttps://static.parastorage.com/services/th ird-party/requ irejs/2.1.15/requ ire.min .js Data is sent to: German y (adequ ate) Prior consent enabled: No XSRF-TOKEN aircooledhut.co.uk HTTP Session First found URL: h ttps://w w w .aircooledh u t.co.u k/produ ct-page/20w 50-min eral-en gin e-oil-4-5-litre Cookie purpose description: Un classified Initiator: Webserver Source: aircooledh u t.co.u k Data is sent to: Un ited States (adequ ate) Prior consent enabled: No XSRF-TOKEN wix.com HTTP Session First found URL: h ttps://w w w .aircooledh u t.co.u k/produ ct-page/20w 50-min eral-en gin e-oil-4-5-litre Cookie purpose description: Un classified Initiator: Script tag, page sou rce lin e n umber 139 Source: h ttps://ecom.w ix.com/storefron t/cartw idget?cach eKiller=1526905360604&compId=comp-j1svvf21&deviceType=desktop&h eigh t =40&in stan ce=Yr8ew ZQvROvR78Gk4I_8AMdzKEWEw 1LKP50EovMX9KU.eyJpbnN0YW5jZUlkIjoiMzI0NDM2NGUtYmNjOC00MDAxLTkw NGM tM2JlMmNhNTc2MzM1Iiw iYXBw RGVmSWQiOiIxMzgw YjcwMy1jZTgxLWZmMDUtZjExNS0zOTU3MWQ5NGRmY2QiLCJtZXRhU2l0ZUlkIjoiYzE5 YzE4NGItOTk2Ny00OTFmLWI1YmMtYTNjMDczYTYxMGNh Iiw ic2ln bkRh dGUiOiIyMDE4LTA1LTIxVDEyOjIyOjA2Ljg4MloiLCJ1aWQiOm51bGw sI mlw QW5kUG9ydCI6IjUyLjEzOC4xOTUuMTQ1LzU3MDAw Iiw idmVu ZG9yUHJvZHVjdElkIjoiUHJlbWl1bTEiLCJkZW1vTW9kZSI6ZmFsc2UsIm9ya Wdpbklu c3Rh bmNlSWQiOiI3ZjM5Y2QzZS1h ZTE3LTRjMmEtYWRjYi00NWU4MDYyMjlmZTUiLCJh aWQiOiJkZjMxYTg0OS1kMGVkLTRkOGYtOG Q3Ny04NjE2MjZjNTdjOTMiLCJiaVRva2Vu IjoiZjNkODJlMDUtMjVh Zi0w OTFlLTI1ZjAtOTgyMmI5ZjE3M2ZmIiw ic2l0ZU93bmVySWQiOiI4ZTA2M DgxNy1mZjAxLTRjZDEtYjMzMS1lZDUwMmI2MDdmMTkifQ&locale=en&pageId=masterPage&viewMode=site&vsi=2f6c9b94-a740-4409-8 868-ceaf9c20d4a3&w idth=137 via h ttps://static.parastorage.com/services/th ird-party/requ irejs/2.1.15/requ ire.min .js Data is sent to: Un ited States (adequ ate) Cookie scan report - 3/4 Prior consent enabled: No